Abnormal Pap Smears

Abnormal Pap Smears

If you have ab abnormal Pap smear result, your doctor will likely perform a procedure called a colposcopy or may perform another Pap smear immediately or in a few months.

Pap smears only screen for cancer - they can't diagnose it. To get more information to help diagnose or rule cervical cancer, your doctor does a colposcopy. During this procedure your doctor:

  • Uses a microscope device (colposcope) to view the lining of your cervix and vagina.
  • Removes tissue samples from areas that look abnormal
  • Send the samples to a lab for testing

Pap smears are a lifesaving screening tool. The test identifies abnormal cervical cells before they have a chance to become cancerous.

Your clinician can discuss test findings and the next steps wit you.

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